Possession Transition

In case of changing the SIM card that is placed on the registered smart phone, the conditions related to the correct operation of the phone must be provided by inserting the new SIM card through ownership transfer. To use the ownership transfer feature, you must go through the following steps in order:

1)First, the owner of the device, dial the command code *7777# with his SIM card and select the call option

2)Select the transfer of ownership option by sending the number 3.

3)A message will be displayed to you that will display the ID (IMEI) owned by your SIM card.

4)It is necessary to send the number corresponding to the identifier (IMEI) of which you intend to transfer ownership.

5)SIM card number to which you intend to transfer ownership of the device.

6)Enter the SIM card number of the buyer.

7)It will show you the ID (IMEI) of the device you intend to transfer ownership of and the SIM card number of the buyer.

8)A message will be displayed indicating that the activation code will be sent via SMS to the buyer’s SIM card number.